Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackeads on Stomach

Acne is an inflammatory condition that causes bumps and pustules to erupt anywhere on the skin, including the face, chest, stomach, back and neck. When acne appears on the stomach, it can cause the skin to become bothered and painful. Skin on the stomach can be specially sensitive, making over-the-counter creams and gels too harsh to be used without irritation. Fortunately, acne on the stomach can be cleared effectively using natural acne fighters, w/c will kill off acne-causing bacteria without causing irritation.

  • Stream 1 tbsp. of castor oil into your palm, and spread it gently onto your stomach. Use your fingers to massage the oil into your skin for 3 minutes. Drape a steaming washcloth over your stomach, leaving it there until the cloth cools completely. Use the washcloth to wipe off the oil. Repeat twice a day.
  • Pour 1 tbsp. of baking soda into your hand, and drizzle 1 tsp. of water onto it. Use your fingers to mix a paste, and spread it onto your stomach. Massage the baking soda mixture into your skin using small, circular motions for 2 minutes. Rinse off the area well with warm water. Repeat twice per day after applying an oil cleanse.
  • Fill an empty bottle with 8 oz. of water, and add in 5 drops of tea tree oil. Mix well, and soak a cotton ball in the solution. Tap the diluted tea tree oil onto the areas of the stomach affected by acne, and let it to soak in. Repeat twice a day after exfoliating with baking soda.

Tips and Warnings
  • Castor oil is a highly purgative oil that doesn't overload the pores. The oil bonds to the oils, sebum, dirt, and bacteria that are frustrating the pores, and provides them to be further more easily when heat and steam open up the pores. Baking soda is a gentle, gently abrasive substance that is comprised of smooth, rounded particles, and can be massaged onto the skin without causing aggravation or damage. According to the Department of Dermatology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, tea tree oil can be used as an effective substitute for benzoyl peroxide, which can be irritating and damaging to the skin. Use a 5 percent dilution.

Things You'll Need

  • Castor oil
  • Washcloth
  • Baking soda
  • Tea tree oil
  • Water
  • Bottle
  • Cotton ball

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackheads Using Toothpaste

Blackheads occur when dirt and oil get trapped in your pores and become firmly impacted, according to Facial masks w/c dry on the skin can help to draw out dirt and oil. As the masks harden and force out impurities, they can loosen and even dislodge blackheads. Toothpaste makes in a similar thing by drawing out impurities as it hardens.
  • Use a small tap of toothpaste to every blackhead right before bed. Apply an amount large enough to cover the blackhead and dry it enough completely overnight.
  • Rest on your back to avoid wiping off the toothpaste as you sleep.
  • Rinse off the toothpaste in the morning with a gentle cleanser. Follow up w/ an exfoliant to scrub away any remaining dirt and oil, according to Daily Glow.
  • Proper dry, then test your blackheads. Repeat the treatment again before bed if stubborn blackheads persist.

Things You'll Need
  • Non-gel toothpaste
  • Exfoliant

Monday, October 24, 2011

How to Get Rid of a Blackeads Bruise

Blackhead is made by excess oil that has clogged into the pores. This normally occurs when the oil is cornered or is unable to flow to the surface of the skin due to soft pore and dead skin cells blocking the way out. When the pore is open, the oil is exposed to oxygen that responds and turn into a dark color – blackheads! Oftentimes, these bumps are indented and looks like a tiny plug. The cause of blackheads is apparently because of increased oil product. Another reason is the increase of male hormones called androgens; this will growth the natural product of oil in your skin causing more oil to build up in your pores. These can eventually cause a blackhead bruise that you have to deal with using the following tips.

Get Rid of a Blackhead Bruise

Remember great factors that can aggravate the problem.

Skin care products and makeup can also be the culprit in the formation of blackheads because these products will mix w/ the body’s natural oil and add to the buildup that will block pores. Extracting blackheads can be done using a sterile blackhead remover, but you must have to be sure that there is no sign of infection in and around the affected area. Usually squeezing blackheads when they are inflamed is the number one cause of infection and bruise.

Prepare some materials that will help.

Provide all things you’ll need such as face wash, ice cube, clean cloth, and warm compress. You need to stop taking any oral supplements or skin creams that contains Vitamin E, aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for a while because these drugs can growth the bruising.

Use a pillow.

If injures start to appear, you should always keep your head elevated above your heart to keep the blood flow from pooling into the bruise, even when you are sleeping. Put some extra pillow on your head to keep it propped up to ensure that your head is elevated.

Always rinse your face w/ a cleanser.

Choose a cleanser specified for pore cleaning. To minimize the swelling, place an ice in a clean cloth and apply it to the bruise. According to American Health and Beauty, ice will help to constrict the blood vessel in the area and reduce the swelling. Leave the cold compress on the bruise for about 15 minutes. Then continue to apply ice on the bruise every hour for 15 to 20 minutes.

Try cold compress.

After 48 hours of applying cold compress, apply warm compress if the swelling has not subsided. Let the warm compress stay on your bruise for at least 20 minutes and repeat 3 times a day.

Use vinegar.

You can also use vinegar by mixing it with warm water. Vinegar increases blood flow near the skin’s surface and helps breakup pooled blood that causes the bruise.

The better thing you can do to avoid bruises is to prevent blackheads from appearing on your face. Real skin care and having healthy lifestyle are some of the requirements to have a healthy skin as well. That way, you can get rid of a blackhead bruise in no time.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Breast

Blackheads form when pores become blocked. The plug, w/c is commonly made up of dead, dried skin cells, sebum (the oil produced in hair follicles) and dirt, turns black when exposed to air. Blackheads can form just some anywhere on the body there are hair follicles. Once plugged, sebum builds up in the hair follicle, causing swelling and, in some instances, pain. Blackheads are not uncommon around the nipples and between the breasts.

  • Take a warm shower or bath.
  • Apply body scrub to the area where you have blackheads. w/ wet hands, massage the body scrub over and around the blackhead plug(s). Rinse and then dry the skin with a towel.
  • Wet one cotton ball w/ witch hazel or rubbing alcohol and apply over the blackhead site to disinfect the skin.
  • Wet 2 more cotton balls w/ witch hazel or rubbing alcohol. Flatten each cotton ball and wrap one around the tip of each of your middle fingers.
  • Looking into the mirror, place the tips of your middle fingers on either side of the blackhead and press toward the plug using gentle, rocking movements.
  • Stop as soon as the plug is fully showed.
  • Moisten a cotton ball w/ witch hazel or rubbing alcohol and apply to the site to disinfect the pore.
  • Allow to air dry before dressing.
Tips and Warnings

If you do not want to take a shower or bath prior to removing blackheads, you can wet a washcloth with warm water and hold it to the area for 3 to 5 minutes. The moist heat loosens the blackhead plug.
Do not use fingernails to pick at or press a blackhead. These can cause scarring or bacteria to the site, causing an infection. If the blackhead is red or swollen, it may be infected. If so, apply an antiseptic cream or ointment to the site after the plug is expressed. Stop pressing as soon as the plug is removed. Never press until blood appears. Blood indicates that the walls of the follicle have been hurt, and this increases the likelihood of infection and prolongs healing time.

Things You'll Need
  • Body scrub
  • Cotton balls
  • Mirror
  • Witch hazel or rubbing alcohol
  • Towel

Thursday, October 20, 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackheads Using Glue

Do you normally purchase expensive pore cleaning slips to remove blackheads from your nose? Save your money! Multi-purpose glue is truly multi-purpose and can be used to remove blackheads from your nose. Many of us played with glue as children by covering our hands with glue and then peeling it off once it was dry. This same concept can be used to remove blackheads from your nose! No need to purchase costly products!

  • Wash your face thoroughly w/ soap and water to help maximize the removal of blackheads. Dry.
  • Apply an even layer of multi-purpose glue over your nose and be sure to extend past the crease onto your cheek. Be sure to cover areas w/ the most visual blackheads.
  • Allow glue to dry completely; 15-20 minutes. Do not touch your nose or wiggle during the drying process.
  • Once dry, peel the glue from the bottom near the cheek and away from the face. Peel slowly to pull the full layer of glue w/out tearing. Make a look at the layer of glue, once removed, and you will see the dirt and blackheads that have been removed from your skin.
  • Rinse your face thoroughly to remove any remaining glue. Repeat if necessary. This procedure will remove blackheads and leave your skin feeling clean and smooth!

Tips & Warnings

  • This truly works- we used to buy Biore strips to remove blackheads but we now use the glue. After all the pore cleaning strips are made with a type of glue!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

How to get Rid of Blackheads and Shrink Pores

Blackheads, medically referred to open comedones, and it is one of the most common symptoms of acne. This is made by an extra collection of oils and bacteria in the sebaceous gland's duct. They are a popular bother for many individuals. Fortunately, the removal of blackheads is very easy, and preventing them is merely a matter of preventing the face clean. This will result in the appearance of smaller pores.

Preventing Blackheads and Shrinking Pores

  • Rinse your face w/ a natural, fragrance free soap. Wet the face and lather w/ a gentle, circular motion, paying special attention to the T-zone, which includes the forehead and bridge of the nose.
  • Rinse the soap off on your face and rap it dry w/ a towel.
  • Exfoliate the skin. You can do this w/ a simple homemade mixture of baking soda and water, or you can buy a natural herbal exfoliants at any drug store. Use the exfoliant in the same way to applied the soap, w/ a gentle circular motion and great attention payed to the T-zone.

Removing Blackheads

  • Steam your skin for at least several minutes. This is can be done by keeping you head over a bowl of hot water and holding a towel over your head to keep in the steam, says Medical News Today.
  • Dry your face by patting it w/ a dry towel.
  • Sterilize the comedone extractor. Using an unsterile instrument or attempting to remove a blackheads in an unsterile environment can lead to infection, according to an clause on Medical News Today.
  • Place the loop of the comedone extractor around the blackheads and press down gently. This will cause the blackhead to pop.
  • Wash the face with natural soap and water.

Tips and Warnings

  • Be true to clean and exfoliate the face every day to see adequate blackhead prevention. It is best to follow all of your careful-cleaning steps every morning and evening.
  • Only effort to remove a blackhead once or twice.Trying to remove a stubborn blackhead can hurt the skin or cause damage that will lead to scaring. Do not attempt to remove a blackhead yourself if it is infectious or inflamed. In this case, consult a dermatologist.

Things You'll Need

  • Soap
  • Baking soda
  • Exfoliant
  • Hot water
  • Towel
  • Washcloth
  • Comedone extractor

Friday, October 14, 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Shoulders

Blackheads are a form of acne where the clogged hair follicle has not sealed over and filled w/ pus to form a pimple. Instead, the mixture of oils, dead skin cells and bacteria oxidize in the air and turn black in color. Blackheads are caused by over-active sebaceous glands beneath the pores producing too much sebum oil, the oil that lubricates the skin. Effective treatments exist to help you with blackheads on your shoulders.

Body Acne

Blackheads can form on any area of your body that has sebaceous glands. In fact, the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands are the only places that do not have these glands. According to, the skin on your body is thicker and the pores are bigger compared to those of your face, so when acne develops on your body, it can be more severe.

Tea Tree Oil

The effectively of natural treatments for acne is rather supposed, and note that this is the example for tea tree oil, too. However, in a study of 119 people who suffering from acne, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a 5-percent tea tree oil gel was as effective at clearing up acne as the benzoyl peroxide. To clear up blackheads on the shoulders, apply tea tree oil locally 3 times daily, notes ''Reader's Digest: 1001 Home Remedies.''


Benzoyl peroxide can eliminate shoulder and body blackheads by unclogging the pores of dirt and debris. According to, benzoyl peroxide can also help to determine oil production in the sebaceous glands, therefore keeping advance irruptions. It can be found in many over-the-counter products for acne and also in prescription strength from your doctor.


You can beat your shoulder blackheads by using this 3-step regimen recommended by 1.) use a standard cleansing tonic to rid the skin's surface of excess oils. 2.) Then apply a benzoyl peroxide product with a strength of 2.5 percent. 3.) After this, has unclogged the pores, apply a 10-percent strength of alpha-hydroxy-acid solution to exfoliate the dead skin cells, and therefore keep advance blockages that can result in blackheads.


For serious outbreaks of blackheads, or acne in general, talk to your doctor about the topical retinoids, prescription treatments that are more competitive at cleansing the pores.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

How to Get of Rid of Blackheads Effectively

To know how to get rid of blackheads effectively is the secret to preserving a face free from blemishes. Other people have a other levels of susceptibility to blackheads. Some are blessed naturally w/ skin that seems to repel these irritation spots on the face. Still they are unfortunate to have skins that are genetically given to blackhead breakouts. With the modern studies that made to treat the skin problem, a number of treatments are already available in the market. In considering the type of treatment to apply on the skin, it is important to know about different skin types since various products are custom to suit proper types of skin.

Before actually applying some treatment, it is important to realize the main reason of this problem. Blackheads are primarily due to the secreted oil, w/c are in excess, on the skin. To avoid blackheads, build up of excess oil must first to be controlled. Blackheads are also formed when there is a blockage of skin pores. Dead skin cells are common reason of pore blockage. Bacteria inside the pore can also cause skin irritation leading to abnormally wide pores. It is very important, therefore, to always keep the face clean by washing it w/ water and keeping it dry using soft towels. Makeup that stays on the face for a long time can also block the skin pores leading to bad acne.

The best and most effective way to prevent the breakout is to wash the face regularly with water and gentle soap, and then use topical skin cleansers specially produced to cleanse the face more deeply. Blackheads are usually appear near around the forehead and nose. So, these areas must be cleaned thoroughly more than the other areas of the face.

The final advice on how to get rid of blackheads is to use steam or warm water to expand clogged pores. This expansion relieves the pore of the blockage.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Forehead

Blackheads are bumps on your skin that are filled w/ bacteria and puss, forming a black point, or "head." Blackheads happen when your skin makes also lots oil and your skin follicles enlarge. When this chances, dirt and oil are allowed into your follicles. Your skin has a reaction and becomes inflamed, forming a blackhead. Your forehead is one of the most common places to get blackheads. Still, you can get rid of your blackheads by using the proper products and seeing the right professionals for medication.

  • Create steam to get rid of blackheads on your forehead. The hot temperature from the steam gives up your pores, letting the dirt and oil trapped inside your blackhead to flush out, w/c will finally get rid of the blackhead. Boil water and pour into a shallow bowl. Place your face over the bowl so that you feel the steam, but not close enough to burn your skin. Place a towel over your head to trap the skin near your skin. Leave your blackheads exposed to your skin for at least 5 minutes. Wash your forehead w/ water and a mild soap right away to wash away all the oil you just released from your skin.
  • Use a tool called an extractor to get rid of the blackheads on your forehead. An extractor will remove all the dirt and oil trapped in your blackhead. Disinfect the extractor and put the loops around your blackhead. Put pressure on the tool until the infectious material on your forehead releases from your blackhead. Make sure that you are very careful when using the extractor because if you use it the incorrect way, you can give permanent scars on your skin.
  • Apply aloe vera to your skin. Aloe vera bears an enzyme that will reduce the inflammation of your blackhead and help you treat the infection caused by the dirt and oil trapped in your blackhead on your forehead. You can apply an aloe vera gel, or squeeze juice from an aloe vera plant leaf. Make sure that the gel has a full amount of aloe vera, as several claim they contain aloe vera but actually have a very small amount.
  • Talk to your dermatologist. If none of these methods work, your dermatologist can prescribe you a medication with a stronger ingredient. Medication with retinoid, w/c contains a vitamin A derivative, can help your skin cells to produce at a faster rate. More skin cells can help you to prevent your hair follicles from being plugged up w/ dirt and oil. Your doctor will likely prescribe Differin, Retin-A and Tazora.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackheads on a Dry Skin

People with oily skin are more prone to have acne. However, people with dry skin may get acne, too. Let's take a look at how to get rid of blackheads on dry skin.

The problem w/ processing blackheads on dry skin is the following: most blackhead treatments dry up the skin. It is not side effect, but rather a desired effect. Blackheads are formed when the excessive skin oil clogs the pores and prevents the oil to be eliminated through them. This is why to get rid of blackheads you should dry up the skin and cut the amount of oil produced by oil glands. Still, if you have dry skin, this kind of treatment can cause some problems. Your skin becomes even drier, and it can start flaking or cracking. This causes irritation, redness and even inflammation of the skin.

So, how can you get rid of blackheads on dry skin? First of all, you will need to provide your skin w/ comforting care and you need to hydrate it to drink a lot of water. This can help you to prevent your skin more moisturized from inside out. You may also need to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, w/c contain water. Cucumbers, melons, apples, tomatoes are a good choice. The water from these fruits gets absorbed more effectively by your body. Besides, they have a vitamins that you needs to function properly.

Cleaning is essential for getting rid of acne. You should clean your skin but you should also make sure to avoid using heavy methods. Forget about scrubs for a while, or use gentle scrubs with moisturizers in them. Use mild cleaners those w/c do not dry up the skin too much, and avoid using any kind of bar soap, as it might only further your skin dryness.

Protect your skin from drying weather factors, such as sun or frost is also essential. Apply sunblocks half an hour before you go out to the sun. Apply frost protection creams to save your skin from more drying out and cracking. Wear hats and scarfs to protect your skin on the face.

Dry skin requires moisturizing. Even though most moisturizers are oil based and oily, and there are water based moisturizers available, too. Consult your doctor or cosmetologist on which one you should choose. There are some moisturizers made specifically for people with blackheads problems. Read the labels carefully and choice the best suited products. Moisturizers are available in the form of lotions, gels and creams. Gel moisturizers are the best for people w/ dry skin and blackheads. They are not so oily as the other ones and they would not worsen your blackheads or whiteheads.

Finally, you may want to stop using topical for blackhead treatment for a while. They do dry up the skin a lot, specially such topical as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. The strong skin dryness can lead to harder skin problems than acne.

As you can see, skin problems cannot be treated one by one. Skin treatment requires a complex access. If you want to know how to get rid of blackheads, the best way to go about the treatment is to maintain the overall health of your body. This would greatly contribute to keeping your skin healthy, smooth and nice looking.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Chest

Chest acne is just same a back acne that is also known as body acne and it gives you in the form of a few red pimples, spots to big pustules, blackheads, whiteheads and sometimes even cysts. In this mild form, it doesn’t cause of a big irritation but it is severe forms that it can develop skin infections, bleeding and scarring.

It doesn’t matter, you could be a teenager or an adult and you can easily have acne in the chest. It can emerge similarly in same men and women. It is still unknown why chest acne can bother some people, while others don’t khow the signs of the same trouble. It is cause by still unknown. Chest acne has an inclination to run in families and it typically comes out in people with extra oily skin and people who sweat in an excesive way. So it’s not common to find people who work out at the gym to have this type of acne.

Chest acne grows identically as regular acne does. Oil-producing sebaceous glands based on underneath the skin emit sebum. Frequently, none problems arise as long as the rate of sebum production keeps average. Sebum and dead skin cells are in general washed away throughout normal cleansing and bathing, so the skin remains clear. When there is hyperactivity in the glands then there is reason for worry.

As soon as there is an extra output of sebum, the pores become blocked. The sebum is trapped and dead skin cells generate the perfect condition for the bacteria. These bacteria stays in the skin, multiply and cause skin infection. This infection leads to the development of pimples or acne, usually presented as red and inflamed bumps.

Mild forms of Chest Acne are not very difficult to get rid of. If you get to treat it in the initial stages, then it is mostly easy to remove it. There are a lot of products and treatments available in the market it depends on how severe your chest acne is. Usually Chest Acne has the same Back Acne Treatment, but in extremme cases, you might need to follow a severe acne treatment.
Never poop or force a pimple in your chest. You can easily get a big infection and it will hurt cause by chest acne is painful and worst, you can risk to get a scar after it heals.

A easy idea is to use an antibacterial soap that is produced to treat acne and wash the involved skin. You will probably need to repeat the process in several times according to what your doctor says. Always make sure to dry the area carefully, and then apply an anti bacterial cream.

You can find several products like creams and gels that are frequently used to cure acne on the chest,and most of which include the component benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is a great oxidizer and keratolytic that successfully destroys the bacteria and facilitates the reduction of redness and inflammation.

If you see no effects w/ the mentioned products, check with your dermatologist if there is another way for you to use an antibiotic. This is normally the way of healing for acne that cures several areas in the skin. When taking these medicines, you will probably need to follow some type of treatment path that could last for a number of weeks, occasionally as long as 12 weeks in more difficult cases. If you don’t finish a treatment using antibiotics, chest acne will resurface and might even aggravate, so make sure you follow your doctor’s recommendation.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Tighs

Almost everyone is affected by blackheads on their skin during the line of their lives. Blackheads are the first stage of acne. They form on your legs before bacteria gets into the pores on your skin. Extra hormones in your skin stimulate your oil gland, which leads to too much oil in your pores. The excess oil accumulates and when exposed to the air, turns black in color, forming a blackhead. The most popular places for blackheads to form is on your face, however, you can get blackheads on your legs as well. The key to getting rid of the blackheads on your legs is steam, aloe vera, and prescriptions from your doctor.

Put aloe vera on your skin-- Aloe vera contains an enzyme that kills the bacteria that has developed up on your blackheads. Aloe vera reduces the inflammation and force that builds up in your blackheads, which helps reduce the size of your blackheads. Go to your pharmacy and buy an aloe vera gel. Make sure the gel you buy controls a high amount of aloe vera, as many claim to be aloe vera gel, but really have very little of the enzyme. Apply the gel onto the blackheads on your legs, and rub into the blackheads. Let the gel disappear into your skin. You an also buy an aloe vera plant. Break off a leaf and squeeze the juice into your hands. Rub onto the blackheads on your legs and let dry.

Use steam for the blackheads on your legs-- The heat from the steam that can help you to flush out the dirt and oil that has made up in the blackheads. Boil a lot of hot water and stream it into a large bowl. Place your leg that contains the blackheads over the bowl. Make sure your leg is far enough from the bowl that you don't scald your leg, yet close enough you can feel the heat. Place a towel over your leg so it forms a tent-like structure between your leg and the bowl. Leave over the warmth for at least 10 minutes. You can also run a hot shower in an enclosed room and take in the steam that way.

Make an appointment with an aesthetician-- An aesthetician can remove the blackheads from your leg in a safe way. They say you should not try and pop your blackheads at home, as it can lead to scarring. The aesthetician will use a tool called an separator to remove the oil and dirt from your blackhead. The tool is long and thin, and has loops on either end that will remove your blackheads without scarring. Make sure you visit a professional, licensed aesthetician.

Schedule an appointment with your dermatologist--your dermatologist can dictate a medication that will get rid of the blackheads on your legs. Some of the medications they may recommend is the vitamin A derivative retinoid. Retinoid will get rid of your blackheads by attacking and kill the bacteria in your blackheads. The most common types of retinoid treatments they may prescribe are differin, retin-A and tazora.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackheads with Tomato

Almost acne pimples, including blackheads, come when pores become involved with dirt, dead skin cells and sebum, your skin's natural oil. Tomatoes, w/c are high in vitamin C, vitamin A and citric acid, are a natural blackhead remedy. They're much less costly than common acne formulations and may be less irritating to the skin. Tomatoes can be used alone or mixed w/ avocado, lemon or lime juice to create a facial mask. If you're out of fresh tomatoes, tomato paste can also be used as a mask.

1.) Slice some the tomato and the lime or lemon in half.

2.) Apply a hand juicer to collect the juice from half the lemon or lime. Swarm the juice into a bowl and discard any seeds.

3.) Apply the juicer to separate the tomato juice from the pulp. Hold the juicer over the bowl and provide the tomato juice to mix w/ the lime juice. Squeeze both halves of the tomato and save the juice mixture to use as an astringent later. You may wish to pour it into a small glass bottle and add a little water to dilute it, but it can also be used full-strength to tone skin after cleansing.

4.) Scoop the tomato pulp from the juicer and into the second bowl. Use a spoon if needed to scrape the pulp from the skins.

5.) Lie back and spread the tomato pulp over your face, reducing around the edges of your nose, where blackheads tend to accumulate. Leave the pulp on for 15 minutes.

6.) Wash your face w/ warm water and a mild soap and pat dry.

How to Get Rid of Blackheds Recipe

Blackheads are the result of extreme oil and dead skin cells. They can occur on the face, torso, back and other parts of the body. Because blackheads often signal the upcoming arrival of acne and pimples, and it is the best to get rid of them as soon as possible.
Egg Remedy

If you have oily skin, the egg remedy can help eliminate blackheads. This mask also helps tighten the skin for a smoother, and healthier appearance. To develop the egg remedy, combine 1 teaspoon of multani clay powder w/ plain water, allowing the powder to soak for 30 minutes. Beat 1 egg white and combine it with the soaked powder. You can add some drops of peppermint extract to add a sensational tingling feeling that will help soothe your skin. Once prepared, the mixture is ready for use. Apply it to your skin, allowing it to remain there for at least half an hour. Then wash the mask off with lukewarm water.

Egg and Honey Recipe

This recipe uses honey, which has moisturizing and smoothing capabilities. It also uses almond oil, which penetrates and moisturizes the skin. Yogurt is included to refine and tighten pores.

To prepare this recipe, mix 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 egg yolk, one tablespoon of yogurt and half a teaspoon of almond oil. This mask can be left on for 15 to 20 minutes before being washed off w/ lukewarm water.

Parsley Herbal Treatment

Steam herbal treatments are good for loosening the dirt in your blackheads. To prepare this treatment, heat a pot of water until it comes to a boil. Remove the boiling water from the stove, placing it in a safe location. Add any herbs that you like to the water. Some soothing and beneficial herbs include peppermint, sage and chamomile.

To complete this treatment, make parsley juice by juicing 1.4 cup (50 ml) into a blender or juicer. Apply the parsley juice to your skin, focuses on areas prone to blackheads. To prevent steam from escaping during your steam treatment, place a towel over your head. with the parsley juice still on your face, cautiously place your head over the steaming pot of water for at least 10 minutes.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

How to make a Facemask to Get Rid of Blackheads

Blackheads are a popular skin problem, specially among teenagers. They fall under the type of acne known as acne vulgaris, known as open blackheads. They look as small bumps on the skin, or plugs in large pores. Their color varies from yellow to black. There are many natural remedies for blackheads made from products that are usually in the kitchen. Face masks are treatments left on the face for a period of time, and then removed to provide results.

  • Separate the eggs. Break open 2 eggs and separate them, preserving only the whites. Get the whites with a whisk for a few seconds to ensure consistency. Egg whites make a great mask due to their tendency to harden over a short period of time.
  • Add lemon juice. Whip the egg white mixture while adding in 1 tsp. of lemon juice. Mix until it is well-blended. Lemon juice contains Alpha Hydroxy acid, which is a standard over the counter remedy for blackheads. The juice penetrates the pores, eliminating oils, dead skin cells and impurities that cause blackheads. Lemon juice also reduces pores.
  • Wash the face. Use a mild cleanser to thoroughly clean the face. This can gets rid of any oil or dirt that would prevent the mask from sticking to the skin.

  • Apply the mask. Spread the mix onto the face, cover all the skin completely. The mix will not be thick, so just make sure the skin is covered.
  • Let it dry. Leave the mask on for 15 to 20 minutes or until it is completely strong and dry. It will be hard to the touch, and moving the face won't be possible. The egg whites cement in this period of time to provide the stiffness of the mask.
  • Peel it off. Pull the mask off the face. It should take the blackheads off with it. Don't rinse the mask off with water, as this won't remove the blackheads. Pulling it off in pieces is the best way to remove the mask.
  • Finish it off. After the mask is off, rinse the face off with lukewarm water. After patting it dry, use a moisturizing lotion. This reduces irritation and closes and reduces the pores.