Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Get Rid Of Blackheads Without Products

Blackheads are a popular cosmetic problem caused by dirt blocking skin pores. Blackheads are caused by not washing frequently, or allowing dirt to sit on your face for an extended period of time. In popular times, the market is flooded w/ cosmetic products designed to clear your facial skin pores of blackheads. While some of these products work, there is also a lot of misinformation around and it can be challenging to decide. It is possible to reach a clear complexion and clear your blackheads without using cosmetic products.

  • Wash your face on a regular basis to keep a clear complexion. The first thing ou should do is wash your face in the morning and before you go to bed at night. If you lie down to sleep with oil in your skin, it will have all night to settle into your pores and make blackheads. According to the Ayushveda Health and Lifestyle Portal you should wash your face with warm water as it opens up the pores.
  • Use clean towels and cloths every single time you dry after washing your facial skin. The skin pores are open after you have washed with warm water and allow any dirt or oil on the towel to get deep into the skin and form blackheads. The Genius Beauty website recommends that you should use a separate towel just to dry your facial skin.
  • Soak your face w/ a warm towel for 15 to 25 minutes every day. Jonathan Hatch, a beauty writer for the Get Rid of Things website, recommends you should dampen a cloth with warm water and apply it directly to your skin each evening. Soaking your face like this will help dissolve and loosen the dead skin, dirt and other skin pore clogging articles. Hatch advises that you boil the wash cloth first, this will ensure that you are not presenting additional oil and bacteria to your facial skin. If you boil the cloth, ensure it has cooled sufficiently before applying to your skin.
  • Consume a healthy diet and drink plenty of water to maintain a clear complexion. The How to Get Rid of Blackheads website explains that diet and hydration play an great role of getting rid of blackheads. If you eat greasy and unhealthy foods, it will increase the level of oil in your facial skin and have a negative impact on your complexion. Drinking plenty of water will keep your facial skin hydrated and help your body in the process of leveling out dead skin cells.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to Get Rid Of Blackheads With Wax

The medical condition for a blackhead is an open comedo, falling under the classification of acne vulgaris. It is much a yellow or black plug in an enlarged pore. The blackhead consists of sebum and keratin, w/c only darkens as it oxidizes. Blackheads are a popular skin problem in all age groups, but teenagers and young adults are specially given to them. There are different ways to remove blackheads from the face.

  • Wash the affected areas. Use a gentle cleaner to wash the spots that will be waxed. This gets rid of dirt and grime, which keeps wax from sticking.
  • Steam the face. Fill a sink full of hot water, and hold the head about 6 inches instantly over the water. This gives the pores and makes the blackheads occur out easier. To further the effect, drape a towel or washcloth over the head and sink of water to tent the steam and permeate the pores further.
  • Heat the wax. Read the instructions on the wax to determine how to heat it. Most waxes are microwaveable, but some need heating over a heat source such as a candle, or in a heating device. For ease of use, read the tags before buying the wax and buy one that is microwaveable.
  • Apply warmed wax to affected areas. Most of the time, the wax comes w/ the applier. If not, simply use a clean Popsicle stick. These are available for purchase in the craft section of the store. Do small sections at a time, spreading the wax in one application.
  • Press on the paper strip. Rub the strip, putting pressure over the waxed areas. Rub in the same way of the wax application. It takes about a minute for the wax to cool.
  • Pull the strip off. Take a deep breath, and grab one end of the paper strip. Quickly pull the strip straight up, hard and fast.
  • Apply a comfortable lotion. Of course, make sure that the lotion used won't clog pores. Lotions such as Cetaphil are dermatologist-recommended and moisturize without having breakouts.

Monday, November 28, 2011

How to Get Rid Of Blackheads With Gelatin & Milk

Blackheads form when hair follicles on the skin get clogged with extra oil and dead skin cells. Your body gets oil through hair follicles to moisturize and protect the skin and releases it on the surface. When oil builds up, it pools to collect dirt and dead skin cells. If not washed off, the oil falls back into the pore and forms a clog known as a comedone. When a comedone has starting at the surface, it comes darker it's called blackhead. Using a home remedy of gelatin and milk creates a sticky compound capable of pulling out the clog and release the pore.

  • Put 1 tbsp. of unflavored gelatin powder in a microwave-safe bowl. Add the 1 1/2 tbsp. of milk to the powder and mix w/ a spoon.
  • Set the bowl in the microwave, and heat the gelatin mixture for 10 seconds.
  • Dip your fingers into the bowl, and coat your face w/ the gelatin.
  • Leave the gelatin mask on your face for 30 minutes or until it dries completely. The mask will feel stiff when dried.
  • Pull the mask off. As the gelatin comes off the skin, it will take the dirt, dead skin cells and clogs w/ it.
Tips and Warnings
  • Any milk will work for this mask.
  • Use clear, unflavored gelatin. Colored gelatin may stain skin.
Things You'll Need
  • Unflavored gelatin
  • Milk

Sunday, November 27, 2011

How to Get Rid of Huge Blackheads on Nose

Blackheads comes to everyone at some point in their lives. The nose is one of the most popular places for blackheads to form, along w/ the chin, cheeks and forehead. Blackheads process when your hair follicles enlarge, allowing bacteria and oil to get inside. That oil and bacteria has a chemical reaction which gets blackheads. You can, however, get rid of the blackheads on your nose by taking the right medications and vitamins, using regular medicine and steaming your skin.

  • Make an appointment with your esthetician. An esthetician is a professionally taken beautician who can remove the huge blackheads on your nose. Estheticians use a tool called an extractor, which will loose the puss and bacteria that built up in the blackheads on your nose. You can pay a professional to extract your blackheads, or you can do it yourself. Place the 2 loops on the end of the extractor on either side of your blackhead. Slow put pressure on the blackhead until a white colored puss releases from the blackhead. If you remove the blackhead yourself, make sure that are gentle w/ the extractor as you can permanently scar your skin.
  • Make an appointment with your dermatologist. Your doctor is the only person who can prescribe a medication that can kill the bacteria inside the huge blackheads on your nose. Doctors prescribe retinoids to kill that bacteria, the most common forms of retinoids are Differin, Retin-A and Tazora.
  • Rub aloe vera into the blackheads on your nose. Aloe vera is occupied w/ a chemical that can kill the bacteria and oil trapped inside your blackhead. Aloe vera is also a cooling agent that can save the swelling and aching of your blackheads. Purchase a bottle of aloe vera gel, or break a leaf off of an aloe vera plant. Squeeze the juice from the leaf and rub into the blackheads on your nose. If your decide to buy aloe vera gel, make sure there is a high percentage of aloe vera in the gel, as many claim to be aloe vera gel but actually control very little aloe vera.
  • Expose the huge blackheads on your nose to steam. The hot temperature from the steam will open up your pores and release all the oil and bacteria that is trapped inside your blackheads. Boil water, stream into a shallow long bowl and place your nose over the steam. Put your nose close enough to the steam that you can feel the heat but not so close that you burn the skin on your nose. Place a towel over your head so that the steam is trapped underneath the towel. Stay under the towel for at least 10 minutes. Rinse your face with a mild soap good after you take off the towel so you rinse off the bacteria that you just released from your blackheads right away.
Things You'll Need
  • Extractor
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Mild soap

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Lots Of Blackheads

Some blackheads is easy enough to deal with and treat, but if your face is peppered w/ them, you'll want to take a more broken coming so you can wipe them out in one shot. One of the best ways to accomplish this feat is with a clay facial mask. These masks cover your entire face and as they dry, they loose and draw out impacted material from your pores, according to

  • Rinse your face w/ a nondrying facial cleanser and let it dry completely.
  • Apply a facial mask that contains a clay base. Look for masks that also contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, as these products fight the oily component of your blackhead, according to
  • Smear the clay mask over your face and neck, paying special attention to the areas w/ the most blackheads. Apply the mask thick enough so that you can't see through it to your skin below, but thin enough so that it begins to dry up in only a few minutes.
  • Leave the mask on until it's dry, which should take about 10 to 15 minutes, according to
  • Wet a face cloth w/ warm water and begin washing away the mask w/ small circular movements. These movements help exfoliate to remove blackheads loosened by the mask. Splash your face w/ warm water to rinse away any remaining clay.
  • Examine your face for any blackheads that still remain. Spot treat these blackheads by applying a small amount of the mask to just those areas. Repeat the drying, exfoliating and rinsing procedure to loosen and wash away the rest of your blackheads.
  • Apply a light, oil-free facial moisturizer to keep dry skin.
Things You'll Need
  • Clay-based facial mask
  • Washcloth
  • Oil-free moisturizer

Monday, November 21, 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackheads With Herbs

Blackheads are caused by excess oil and dead skin cells blocking the pores. Eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of rest and exercise, keeping your face clean and avoiding oil-based products all help to prevent blackheads. You also can use herbs to combat the condition.

  • Take herbs that improve the body's elimination of consume products through ways other than the skin. Dandelion leaf helps the body to eliminate consume through the kidneys. Dandelion root aids the liver and elimination through the bowels.
  • Taking heartsease, which is also known as viola tricolour. This herb is high in zinc, which promotes healthy skin. It is also high in flavonoids which nourishes the blood and improves circulation to the area where the blackheads happen to help clear them.
  • Try gotu kola. This herb is beneficial for clearing blackheads because of its water pill, laxative and antibiotic properties.
  • Crush fenugreek leaves and add just enough water to form a paste. Apply the paste to your face every night before bedtime. Leave the paste on your face for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it off w/ warm water. Continue using the paste nightly until blackheads are gone. If you are prone to blackheads, keep using the paste after you have gotten rid of the blackheads to prevent them from reoccurring.
  • Buy a liquid astringent herb blend, sold specifically for getting rid of blackheads and other acne. Apply the herbal astringent to your face daily using a saturated cotton ball. Most astringent herb blends include a combination of witch hazel, horsetail, plantain, agrimony or shepherd's purse.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

How to Get Rid of a Stubborn Blackheads

Open comedones, more normally referred to as blackheads, are those bad little black specks that litter your skin color. When dirt and excess sebaceous oils become trapped below the surface of the skin, it leads to a raised black blemish on the skin. Blackheads aren't as visually starting as whitehead pimples, but they can still be irritating. Aggressively treat stubborn blackheads that won't go away on their own or through daily hygiene practices..

  • Wrap a towel over the area. If the blackheads are on your face, wrap the towel around your head. Make sure that you do this while sitting down so as not to trip and fall.
  • Keep the area over the hot water to steam the area. The towel will help to keep the steam, but be careful not to scald yourself. The steam should make your skin feel very warm, but if it gets to find too hot, move away from the steam immediately.
  • Allow the steam to process on your skin for at least 5 minutes. The steam will help you to open up the pores and soften the skin and dirt trapped underneath it.
  • Remove the towel and set it aside. Start removing blackheads w/ a flat blackhead remover. You can leverage one of these at a local beauty supply store. Always read and follow the manufacturers' instructions carefully.
  • Wash your skin with an acne medicated soap. Soaps that contain benzoyl peroxide are effective and help you to eliminate acne. Wash the skin well and pat dry with a soft clean dry towel.
Tips and Warnings
  • For determined acne issues, talk to your doctor or dermatologist about getting a solution or medication that will work for you.
  • Avoid squeezing blackheads with your fingers and fingernails as this can irritate the skin and lead to tearing and scars.
Things You'll Need
  • Bowl
  • Towel
  • Flat blackhead remover
  • Acne medicated soap

Friday, November 18, 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackheads Without Pore Strips

When pores are clogged with dirt, oil and other types of debris, blackheads happen. A blackhead is like a plug to a pore. Blackheads are annoying, unattractive and can be hard to reject. There are many ways to get rid of blackheads once they occur, and there are also ways to prevent them happening in the first place. Getting into a regular habit of washing your face daily is the better method for keeping blackheads from popping up. Once you have them, try these steps to get rid of them w/out using pore strips.

  • Wash and exfoliate your face. Wash your face every morning and every night and exfoliate it at least once a week. Exfoliation helps remove the dead skin and other debris trapped on your face. Purchase an exfoliating cream or make your own using 3 tbsp. of baking soda and 3 tbsp. of water. Apply this cream over your face, avoiding your eyes. Rub it in well and then rinse thoroughly.
  • Steam your face. An easy way to do this is to boil a pot of water. Set the boiling water on a table, place your face near the steam from the pot and wind a towel around your head while covering the pot. Let the steam absorb into your skin. This will loosen your pores and make it lighter for you to get rid of your blackheads.
  • Wash your face w/ warm water. Saturate a washcloth with olive or almond oil. Add a dab of toothpaste to the washcloth and rub the washcloth over your face, focusing on areas with blackheads. This also will help loosen them.
  • Use honey as a mask. Heat a small amount of honey in the microwave until it is warm, but not hot. Rub it on your face and rinse after approximately 10 minutes. The honey will help peel away the blackheads making them go away easier.
  • Use tea tree oil. Wipe this oil over your face to help add air into your pores. Wash after applying.
  • Purchase a cream designed for removing blackheads. Many blackhead removal creams are available for purchase. These creams target blackheads, help loosen them and ultimately can help you get rid of them.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to Get Rid of Zit and Blackheads

Zits and blackheads, or acne, can be difficult for anyone. Fortunately, with time, there have been new and easy ways to get rid of zits and blackheads. Some of these ways were found and produced by people just like you.

  • Try steaming your face. You don't have to visit a beauty salon or spa in order to reap the benefits of one. Using a bowl, add some hot water, not boiling hot but steaming. You don't want to burn your skin. Soak a washcloth in the water for a short time until it's thoroughly warm. Now lay the cloth on your face until the cloth turns cool. Then repeat the procedure until the rag has been applied to your face for a total of 20 minutes. Clogged pores equal blackheads. Steam equals open pores which prevents blackheads.
  • Use the right cleanser or scrub. You can get different facial 'scrubs' targeted to zit and blackhead removal as well as prevention. There are different scrubs and cleansers for different skin cases so make sure you know your skin type before you buy. Be sure to leave the scrub or cleanser on at least 30 seconds in order for it to working good.
  • Try simple at-home quick remedies. Many people have proven that toothpaste works great on zits. Just put a dab of toothpaste, any kind, on your fingertip and pat on your troublesome zits at night. Be sure that the toothpaste can be on there for at least 6 hours in order for it to work right.
  • Don't fall victim to temporary relief. Pore strips are known to help remove blackheads but regular use of these strips could end up hurting your skin. They are also temporary fixes because you aren't making anything to 'prevent' the blackheads; you are only removing them for more to appear later on. Save your money for a cleanser or even a facial mask targeted to zits and blackheads.
  • Don't touch your face with dirty hands. By dirty hands I mean unless you 'just' complete washing them, don't touch your face! You might impulsively pick at your face and do not realize the dirt and bacteria that could be on your hand and help the product of your blackheads and zits. Try to refrain from instinctively touching a problem zit or any part of your face w/out washing your hands.
  • Use products w/ the right ingredients. Look for any of the following elements when choosing a zit or blackhead removal treatment: Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Sulfur, Resorcinol, Alcohol and Acetone.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to Get Rid of Body Blackheads

Blackheads are ugly happens that appear on your skin when you have too much oil in the pores of your skin. Blackheads make when your skin follicles enlarge and let in more oil than usual. Your skin absorbs more oil than natural, which may or may not became dirty with bacteria, making a bump on your skin with a dark color peak. The most popular places on your body that blackheads will form are your chin, cheeks, nose, and forehead. You can, still, get rid of blackheads on your body by cleaning your skin, using the proper cream and trying treatment.

  • Expose the blackheads on your body to heated steam to get rid of them. The hot temperature from the steam will expand your pores, providing all the dirt and oil that is trapped inside to release. This will shrink and remove your blackheads. Boil water and pour into a shallow bowl. Put your blackheads over the bowl close comfortable so that you feel the heat, but far enough away so that it doesn't scald your skin. Place a towel over your head or whatever part of your body with the blackhead, trapping it between the bowl and the towel. Keep your blackheads over the hot water for at least 5 minutes. Wash the area of skin you just exposed to the skin w/ a mild soap so that you remove all the bacteria and released from your skin.
  • Use aloe vera to get rid of blackheads on your body. Aloe vera takes an enzyme that cuts the infection from the bacteria in your blackheads. You can apply an aloe vera gel or the juice from an aloe vera plant. Squeeze the juice from the leaf of an aloe vera plant, or buy gel from your pharmacy. Make sure you buy a gel that has a high percentage of aloe vera in it. Rub the gel or the liquid into your blackheads and let it disappear.
  • Go to your dermatologist. If your blackheads are really stubborn, your dermatologist can prescribe medication that contains a retinoid, or a vitamin A derivative, that will speed up the rate your skin cells reproduce. This helps heal the skin cells around your blackheads and keeps them from clogging up w/ bacteria. The most popular types of retinoid medication are Retin-A, Tazora and Differin.
  • Get rid of blackheads on your body by using an extractor. An extractor is a tool that looks like a pair of scissors w/ loops on either end, and you use it to remove the bacteria and puss backed up inside your blackheads. Make sure the extractor is disinfected by boiling it or by using cleansing. Put the loops of the extractor around your blackhead using pressure. Squeeze until the bacteria inside comes out. The bacteria is made up of the dirt and oil clogged up in your skin. Be very careful using the extractors as they can leave permanent scars on your skin.
Things You'll Need
  • Extractor Tool
  • Aloe vera gel or juice
  • Pot
  • Water
  • Towel
  • Face soap

Monday, November 14, 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackheads and Spots

Blackheads occur to just about everyone at some point in their lives. Blackheads happen when the pores in your skin build up and fill w/ dead skin and oil. Blackheads and spots happen when your skin follicles become heavier than normal and back up w/ oil. The dead skin cells and oil have a chemical reaction, which causes the dark tone of your blackheads. The places that blackheads and spots most normally form are on your chin, cheeks, nose and forehead. You can get rid of the blackheads and spots on your skin w/ treatments that you can do at home, medications that can be prescribed by a dermatologist or procedures that can be done by an aesthetician.

  • Steam your blackheads and spots. The heated steam can help push out the dirt and oil built up in your blackheads, w/c will remove the blackheads and spots from your skin. Boil hot water in a big pot and stream it into a big bowl. You want to put your face over the hot water close enough to find the heat but far enough away so that you don't whip your skin. You can also run a hot shower, close the door and take in the steam from the enclosed room.
  • Use aloe vera. Aloe vera is given up of an enzyme that can help kill the dirt and bacteria in your blackheads and spots. Aloe vera will reduce the lighting on your blackheads and spots, w/c will help remove them from your skin. Go to your local pharmacy and buy an aloe vera gel, or you can squeeze the juice from a plant. If you own a plant, break a leaf off and squeeze the juice into your palm. If you buy a gel, make sure it contains a high content of aloe vera. There are many applications and gels on the market that take to be aloe vera, but actually contain very gentle of the enzyme.
  • Go to a dermatologist. A dermatologist can advocate medication that will get rid of the blackheads and spots on your skin. The vitamin A derivative retinoid can help get rid of your blackheads by attacking the bacteria inside. The most common forms of retanoid creams are Differin, Retin-A and Tazora.
  • Go to an aesthetician. A professionally trained aesthetician can remove your blackheads and spots on your skin in a safe way. Your aesthetician will use a tool called an extractor, w/c will take out the oil and dirt built up in your blackheads and spots. The tool is thin and long, with loops on either end. Make sure your aesthetician is authorized, another they can scar your skin for the stay of your life.

How to Get Rid of Blackheads on a Baby

Blackheads, a type of acne, are fairly popular for babies to develop within the first couple of weeks after birth. Baby acne, including blackheads, produces due to hormonal changes that can get oil glands. Not all babies get acne but babies who do develop acne most often do so on their cheeks. In some cases, babies can have blackheads on their forehead, chin and backs as well. In some cases, serious baby acne can be a sign of a hormone problem and should be addressed with your pediatrician.

  • Wash your baby's skin with gentle baby soap and water on a daily basis. Softly pat your baby's skin dry after washing. Be careful not to wash the area too much, as this can make your baby's delicate skin irritated and make blackheads and other acne worse.
  • Avoid lotions or oils. Lotions and oils can make your baby's skin worse and cause further irritation. Do not use over-the-counter acne medicines on your baby's skin. Blackheads on your baby should not be treated like acne that is experienced by many teens.
  • Do not pinch or squeeze the blackheads or bumps. Your baby's skin is very sensitive and just as w/ anyone, pinching or squeezing acne can cause increased pain, irritation and, in some cases, infection. Rupturing the skin to release blackheads can also cause scarring of your baby's skin.
  • Practice patience. Waiting for the acne to go away on its own is normally the best course of action. If your baby is not irritated by the blackheads, try not to let them bother you. If your baby's skin does not clear up within 3 months, ask your pediatrician for advice, as it could be a sign of a more important problem.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackheads Marks

LinkBlackheads come when hair follicles become blocked by oil buildup, bacteria or dead skin, according to the Mayo Clinic. When the spot opens at the skin's surface, it makes a dark appearance, giving it the name "blackhead." This type of acne can be uncomfortable, stressful and irritating. Fortunately, some options are open that treat and prevent future blackheads.

  • Apply over-the-counter topical treatments to get rid of blackheads. Products that contain sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide work to kill bacteria, shed off dead skin cells and heal blackheads, according to the Mayo Clinic. These products typically work for mild causes of blackheads.
  • Schedule an date w/ a dermatologist. Blackheads that don't react to over-the-counter treatments can require prescription treatments. Locate a dermatologist through the American Academy of Dermatology. She will examine your blackheads and recommend the best product for your situation.
  • Use prescription topical products on blackheads. Familiar prescription products include Retin-A, Differin and Tazorac, according to the Mayo Clinic. Products are derived from vitamin A, w/c promotes cell turnover and keeps clogged hair follicles. Use products as recommended to get rid of blackheads.
  • Request antibiotics from your dermatologist if blackheads become inflamed or infected. This type of blackhead goes painful and takes longer to heal. Consuming a short course of antibiotics will clear up the infection and cut skin bacteria. Your doctor may recommend getting antibiotics for a few months to keep skin clear.
  • Use oral contraceptives if breakouts are connected to your menstrual cycle. For example, if breakouts always occur a couple days before your period, an oral contraception containing ethinyl estradiol and norgestimate can help also according to the Mayo Clinic.
Tips and Warnings
  • Unfortunately, blackheads don't go away overnight. Even with medication, healing takes time. Medications applied to keep blackheads can take several weeks to work. Always talk about side effects with your doctor before choosing a treatment option. Some treatments have uncomfortable side effects, according to the Mayo Clinic.
  • Never pick or squeeze blackheads. This can have irritation, inflammation and scarring. Use medication as directed and avoid reaching the affected area, which can spread bacteria, according to Medline Plus.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How to Get Rid of Blackheads With Tape

Blackheads are unappealing, unattractive and a bit of an annoyance, particularly as they have a way of ranging up at the most inconvenient times--like the morning before a big date. The greatest way to deal w/ them is through the stringent application of medicated facial washes. But however good, this method can need some weeks of your time before any results are visible. If you need to get rid of your blackheads immediately, but can't afford a box of those costly removal strips, the solution may be lying in the bottom of your desk drawer. There are three different methods of blackhead removal using popular household items and the world's most popular adhesive strip: tape.

Method 1:The Elmer's Approach
  • Pour some 1 tsp. of white school glue into the palm of your hand.
  • Using the tip of your index finger, apply a liberal coat of glue to the affected area. Smooth the glue to produce an even layer over your skin.
  • Allow the glue to dry for approximately 10 minutes.
  • Cover the glue with a long strip of clear tape, pressing securely to ensure that a decent seal is formed between the two products.
  • Wait an additional 5 minutes and then carefully peel off the tape. You should be able to find the blackheads bound in the glue.
Method 2:The Sweeter Way
  • Follow this "sensitive skin" formula if you have a hard reaction to glue, or simply find the idea unappealing. Mix ½ cup granulated sugar, ¼ cup honey and 2 tbsp. lemon juice in a small pan.
  • Put over medium heat. Clip on a candy thermometer and begin to raise. When the mixture gives 245 degrees F, remove it from the heat.
  • Stir in 1 tsp. of glycerol and mix until well-blended.
  • Set the mixture aside and allow it to cool slightly. When it is still warm to the touch, but not so hot as to be uncomfortable, apply it to the affected area.
  • Spread the mixture equally with the tips of your fingers and then cover it with a clean of clean cloth.
  • Press the cloth securely into place and hold in position for 10 seconds. Wait for 5 minutes and cover the cloth strip with a piece of adhesive tape.
  • Leave in place an additional 10 minutes, then peel the tape away, removing the blackheads from your skin.
Method 3:The Knox Technique

  • Try this option method if the first 2 don't work for you. Begin by placing 1 tbsp. of unflavored gelatin and 1 ½ tbsp. of milk in a microwave-proof bowl.
  • Mix w/ a fork until well-blended.
  • Microwave on full power for 15 seconds.
  • Apply to the involved area and allow the milk mixture to dry for 20 minutes.
  • Cover the milk application w/ strips of clear tape and press firmly into place.
  • Wait an additional 10 minutes and then slowly peel the tape away.